Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of John Locke s The Great Gatsby - 1326 Words

Locke makes it clear that one individual does not own or have the right over another individual’s life, due to the equal creation of all individuals under one God (Locke 8). An individual has the right over their own body and laws that encourage one individual’s ownership over another is unjust and not natural to humanity (17). Property also plays an important role in Locke’s philosophy because it seems to be an extension of an individual’s right over one’s self. Slavery requires labor and this labor produces, this labor is also a person’s private property and violation of this could be considered violation of an individual’s right over their own life. Dewey seems to address the same problem, when addressing labor in the industrial revolution. In both of these men’s philosophy there is a stripping away of an individual’s freedom. In Dewey’s case he addresses the stripping away from an individual’s economic freedom. The individual no longer chooses what to do with their own work and a sense of dependence is created from the individuals of the lower class; this creates a sense of forced servitude (Dewey, Democracy and Education 136). Both of these philosophers seem to both address the same problem and that is the problem of slavery in society. Locke addresses the problem of slavery as a whole and how it is not natural. In Dewey’s philosophy what he addresses is how there is a lack of freedom in people, because they do not have the freedom to follow through with what they truly

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