Monday, May 25, 2020

Is Privacy Still the Reality in the 21st Century Essay

Anyone who has ever watched a movie or television knows that classic scene where a character poses the question â€Å"Does it feel like we’re being watched?† to another character. Now, many Americans in today’s society are asking the same exact question about their own lives. In the 21st century, modern technology has made it so that governments, businesses, scientists and researchers can do just that: watch our lives with clusters of what is called â€Å"Big Data.† Big data is commonly seen as the digital storage of large quantities of information (CQ researcher, 909). Big data can be anything, from a person’s Facebook content to their email address; any personal information about someone can be considered big data (909). The question, then, is†¦show more content†¦On top of that, data that is store digitally is increased twofold every two to three years (912). However, with all this data stored, how is it being used? Big data is used in many different ways; how it is used is really dependent upon who is using it. However, three entities use this data more than anyone else: scientists/researchers, businesses, and government. Scientists use big data in many different ways. Peter Higgs and Francois Englert won the Nobel Prize for Physics this past year by using new big data to prove their theory that matter obtains mass from an energy source that is not known, but fills the entire universe (911). They used big data and its computers because they needed technology that would be both fast enough and intelligent enough to examine their theory’s results (911). Big data has also led to advances in medicine. These include the advancement of the relationships between genes and medical conditions and how illnesses are caused and likely ways to cure them (911). Businesses also use big data to their advantage in many ways. They do market research on their customers and they figure out which machines and equipment will e ventually wear down faster than others as well as how to lessen energy costs (911). Governments, on the other hand, use data in a completely different way. Governments, in particular the United States, use big data to find terrorists andShow MoreRelatedReality Television : A Psychological Case Study Of Social And Human Behavior850 Words   |  4 PagesParsons’ contribution to a reality television show that feeds the voyeuristic hunger of viewers. Reality television offers a psychological case study in social and human behaviour in their most vulnerable state. The genre exploits the privacy of contestants and often showcase human traits of deception, manipulation, trickery, betrayal and justification. In fact, reality television allows ordinary individuals to gaze at others much like Big Brother. 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